TechIN is delighted to invite you to join us at the 2020 ARBS AWARDS GALA – ONLINE

You can view (Free) the live stream here:
The ARBS Industry Awards recognise excellence for personal achievement, outstanding products, projects, service and education in the Australian HVAC&R and building services industry. This collaborative national Awards initiative is fully endorsed by the major HVAC & R industry associations.
AIRAH – Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heating
AMCA– Air Conditioning & Mechanical Contractors Association
AREMA – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association
ARWA – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Wholesalers Association
CIBSE – Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (ANZ)
RACCA – Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association
Abraham is being nominated based on his work and passion to improve the national HVAC&R industry standards for operating theatre HVAC practices. One of his outstanding outcomes is the foundation of the AIRAH Special Technical Group – Infection Control and Operating Theatre Practices that today combines a multidisciplinary group of members across Australia not only involving HVAC&R professionals, but also healthcare organisations, universities and state health departments.

Abraham has over 12 years of experience in the HVAC&R industry as mechanical engineer. Since 2012, he has been working with critical HVAC within the healthcare sector, specifically the operating theatre HVAC and infection control; he has acquired his knowledge during several training sessions in Europe (Germany and Italy) with key professionals in this sector and with multidisciplinary meetings and conferences here in Australia.
Currently, he is an active member of the AIRAH Victorian Division Committee and the elected Chair of the AIRAH STG. Additionally, Abraham is a current member of the NEXTgen (Young leaders) program of Standards Australia 2018-2019 and “on the day” volunteer” for TEDxMelbourne since 2017. Abraham is currently developing further advanced training with Standards Australia for future Standards Australia committee chairs.

Simultaneously Abraham has been working on the movement of building bridges between the healthcare sector and the HVAC institutions to empower the commitment to work together to reduce surgical site infections and to promote the awareness of the antibiotic resistance issue.
Recently ARBS interviewed him in regards to the awards nomination:
1. What is your greatest career accomplishment / most significant contribution to the industry?
I think the foundation of the technical committee I have the privilege to chair. During my career, I have had significant challenges, successes and failures, but this one probably represents the biggest achievement because it has been a never-ending cycle of challenges in order to get the best outcome for the HVAC&R industry, healthcare sector and the Australians’ wellbeing in general.

2. What did you hope to achieve when you decided to enter the ARBS Industry Awards?
It came as a pleasant surprise receiving the nomination invitation, I think the achievement has been already been met once the industry recognised the work I have been doing, a work in progress that it has become a personal passion and I was not expecting any acknowledgment. Grace and Chris are outstanding professionals and I think we all are already winners.
3. What do you think have been the main benefits of being nominated for an ARBS Industry Awards?
The increase of awareness of the project I have been developing for so many years in order to get more industries to support it, not only the HVAC industry. The issue with the HVAC design inside operating theatres transcends the professional frontiers of the HVAC&R sector into the healthcare environment, therefore, having a prestige organization such as ARBS further supporting this movement it will bring many benefits to all Australians.

4. What advice would you give to others considering entering the ARBS 2022 Industry Awards?
I would like to mention a couple:
1. Don’t seek recognition, work with passion for what you love doing and you will be part of a better world.
2. Don’t settle, if you find something that needs to be improved in your industry, work towards that improvement, regardless if you believe you don’t have the experience at that moment, the industry will support you.
5. What are you hoping to do next?
A few years ago I set a goal in my head “work towards establishing the first national standard for operating theatre HVAC design considering infection control”, with the AIRAH STG we are developing a national guideline, the next step is to submit a project to Standards Australia.
6. What would it mean to win an ARBS Industry Award?
It would be the pinnacle of 10 years of work, challenges and sacrifices, definitely, something that I would be proud and flattered for the rest of my career. If I could travel in time 10 years back and I could say to myself that I will be in the front line of such great award, I wouldn’t believe it.
At TechIN we are proud of Abraham's contributions to the industry, we celebrate his success and we wish luck to all the finalists.
We are looking forward to having you during the gala.
International times for viewing the gala:
You can view (Free) the live stream here:
Italy: Date 21/10/20 @ 6.00 am
Turkey: Date 21/10/20 @ 7.00 am
Germany: 21/10/20 @ 6.00 am
Colombia: 20/10/20 @ 11.00 pm
Venezuela: 21/10/20 @ 12.00 am
Chile: 21/10/20 @ 1.00 am
USA (New York): 20/10/20 @ 11.00 pm